
Professional Virtual Presentation (24 HOURS)

NOTE: Please be advised this is a Virtual Presentation of the art and item requested. It is only an approximation of the imprint color, location and scale and is not exact reproducible indication of the final product. More detailed concerns will be indicated on E-Proofs for actual orders. Factory can not guarantee final product will exactly match this image nor can credits be issued/returns accepted for variations between electronic virtual proofs and final product delivered.

Show your client's artwork on most Innovation Line products. Just send us your artwork and let us do the work    for you. Your Virtual Presentation will arrive by email within 24 HOURS. Just follow our simple 3 step process:

Step 1: Please fill in all fields

* Required Fields

* Customer Comments can not be more than 255 character

Step 2: Click Browse to attach your artwork

Step 3: Click Submit to send us your order
1) Artwork must be in one of the following formats: AI, EPS, PDF, PSD, TIF, JPG.
2) For bitmap (raster) artwork:
(a) Crop the image close to the edge
(b) Image must be 300 DPI minimum resolution
3) We will use our best judgment for imprint position, size and layout.
4) Low resolution artwork (less than 300 DPI) is acceptable for Free Virtual Presentation only. For actual orders, artwork must meet our Artwork Requirements (see Art Requirements section of our website).
5) Your Virtual Presentation will be emailed within 24 HOURS.
6) For questions or help in completing this form, please contact Customer Service.

